Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

As it is known, in our country, the criteria of Associate Professorship and ACADEMIC INCENTIVES are evaluated by UAK and YÖK within the framework of different legislation.

According to UAK legislation, our congress is international in nature. It meets all of the criteria taken as basis for appointments to teaching staff, teaching assistantships, associate professorship and professorship positions.

According to the provisions of the 2021 Incentive Regulation, in order for a congress held in Turkey or abroad to be within the scope of the incentive, more than half of the participants must be foreigners and these foreign participants must be from at least 5 different countries.


As the congress organizing committee, we cannot yet predict how many papers will come from which countries to our congress. This issue will become clear as of the application deadline.


If our congress cannot meet the requirement of more than 50% foreign participants, if your full texts are published in the congress book, it will not be valid for the incentive applications in 2024.

  • Presence of academicians from 9 different countries in the advisory and scientific committee
  • ISBN’li kongre kitabı yayını
  • Reviewing the submitted abstracts and full texts by referee
    due to features such as

Our congress is an INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS due to the fulfillment of the above criteria.


Since our congress has international accreditation, you can use your full texts published in the congress book with ISBN in all academic categories, including associate professorship applications.

All papers after the congress will be published in the "Abstract Booklet" with ISBN number. Participants who wish can send their full texts and have their full texts published in the "Full Text Booklet" with ISBN.


Publication of both congress books is free of charge. You can access all the books on our website after the congress.

(If the requirement for more than 50% foreign participants is not met, full-text publication is not within the scope of the incentive. However, you can use your abstracts or full texts in all academic categories, including the application for associate professorship).

Participants can also have their articles published free of charge, provided that they pass the editor and referee processes in the Journal of TAM Academy (TAMDE).


Being a congress participant does not guarantee the publication of an article in the journal. After editing your article in accordance with TAMDE's writing rules and publication principles, it should be sent directly to the journal by you.

Congress participation fee will be deposited to the bank account of the Center for Social Research (Turkish abbreviation is TAM), a non-profit think tank, via Wire Transfer.


Banka Hesap Bilgilerimiz:

Recipient Name: Toplumsal Araştırmalar Merkezi Derneği

IBAN: TR76 0001 0027 2697 5384 9050 01



The congress fee is deposited as a donation to the account of the Center for Social Research Association. Therefore, it is not possible for us to issue any invoices. However, if participants request, the donation receipt will be sent electronically. 

Please apply considering that you will not be able to receive an invoice and the receipt you will receive will be a donation receipt. Otherwise, the Center for Social Research Association will not accept any responsibility.

No. There is no full text requirement for our congress. However, the works of authors who submit their full texts by June 1 will be published in the full text booklet with ISBN number after referee review.
© 2025. All rights belong to the Center for Social Research.
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